Thursday, July 18, 2013

One of Those Days

Yesterday, I had a day that everyone experiences every once in a while- you know, when you eat five cookies and lay in bed all day and feel gross and it's just awful. I think there are few feelings I hate more than feeling groggy and slow. When my mom asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with our dogs, at first I did not want to. My bed was so cozy, and the book I was reading was pretty good, and my tummy hurt from all those damn Whole Foods chocolate chip baked goods, but I finally agreed to get up, put my big girl panties on, and walk. 

After just 15 minutes of chatting with my mom and moving, I felt 100 times better. It was amazing how the fresh air and tad bit of exercise brought my mood out of the depths of despair. I constantly need to remind myself that lying in bed reading gossip blogs and watching new series on Netflix need to be limited to an hour or so a day. If I want to feel good, I need to fuel my body and mind with exciting things. I'm twenty- I should know this by now. 

Today, I started off with a good swim practice, went to breakfast with awesome friends, and came home and did a blogilates ab video. I feel great. I'm setting a new goal for myself to start my days off with exercise and social interactions, healthy food and a couple sets of ab exercises, and maybe I will be all-around happier. We'll see how it goes.

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